
Friday, October 1, 2010

Autumn is in the Air

On a recent morning I took Hogan (the dog) for a walk at Raccoon River Park. You've walked along this trail with me before HERE in the spring, and HERE in the dead of a snowy winter.

This particular morning, thick fog hung across the trail.

 After about 20 minutes of walking, the fog began to burn off.
But my, didn't it look pretty over this pond?
And by the time we completed our hour-plus long walk, there wasn't a trace of fog. 
Just a beautiful blue, clear-skied day.
It was one of those days... one of the places that makes you certain that God's the master creator. 


  1. We get a lot of fog where we are and just had a weekend of rain. Today it cleared up long enough to go for a walk. I love the smells after rain and everything seems so fresh. We even saw six new ducklings.


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