
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to Americans everywhere!
God bless the USA, and protect our troops stationed throughout the world.

Yesterday, July 3, was our community's annual Independence Day parade.
On this hot summer day, passing by us were the usual antique cars, antique tractors, scouting organizations, church groups, Za-Ga-Zig Shriner vehicles, local dignitaries, fire department vehicles, and politicians.

Among the political types walking in the parade was our former governor, Terry Branstad. He was Iowa's 39th governor, and our state's longest-serving governor, from 1983 to 1999. After leaving office he worked in education, but in 2009 he left that position to again run for governor. When I saw him walking down the street, I brazenly called out, "Governor!" and motioned him over for a picture. I appreciate that he obligingly and hastily paused to do. On November 2 of this year, we hope Terry Branstad is again elected governor of Iowa.

On another patriotic note...

In October 2001, following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the towers of the World Trade Center, our area quilters guild decided to donate all the proceeds of our annual mini-quilt auction to the American Red Cross.

I bid on and won this 15-1/2" X 15-1/2" I Pledge quilt made by one of our guild members, JoAnn Belling.
Each year I hang it up, and pause to admire Joann's handwork.
Happy July Fourth!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Fourth of July to you! The quilt is fabulous! You are obviously very proud of it!


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