
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back at it

If you've noticed the infrequency of my blog posts of late, it's because I've been in Florida for three weeks, getting to know grandson #2, Austin. From my arrival, when I took the picture of him at four weeks (on the left), to my departure at seven weeks (on the right), I think his growth is noticeable. It was so difficult to leave this precious boy who is a very good baby. More than a few tears were shed, mostly by me!
But after two days and more than 1,300 miles in the car (whew) it was nice to again see the rolling countryside of Iowa (it sure isn't as flat as most people believe), covered in corn. A saying goes that corn should be "knee high by the Fourth of July," and there's no doubt this corn is far beyond that.

It's certainly due to the inordinate amount of rain this spring, and especially during the past week. Rivers are breaching their banks and low-lying fields look like ponds.

These pictures were taken on highway 5 near Hartford and Palmya in southern Iowa.

Unexpectedly, we even had to take a detour because highway 5 was closed.

Here at home, everything is green, green, green! Pretty, but it also means it's time for weeding.

It's nice to be back (I'm still missing the baby!), and I plan to spend time with my sewing machine. I'll also be blogging a little about my trip, and other quilt-y doin's.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Welcome home, Linda! Now you can begin to prepare for your next exciting event.

  2. I'm sure that it was hard to leave that precious boy. You can really see the difference just a few weeks makes.

  3. He is such a cutie! It seems like the rain is never ending. We have had 2 big wind storms. One took down a huge tree branch in our back yard. Luckily it missed the garage by 2 feet.

  4. He grew so much in such a short period of time! I'm sure it was really hard to leave.

  5. I am sure you had a well deserved break with a very beautiful boy. Glad to see you back.

  6. Welcome home! I can see how Austin has grown in such a short time, it is amazing....He is such a gorgeous boy! Looking forward to more posts from your trip, it is very beautiful country side.

  7. My gosh you sure can see how little Austin's grown over the three weeks. At least this little bundle isn't quite so far away. How long before the rest of the family is home?


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