
Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Flaunt - BB Bags

Wanting a new bag to handily carry my travel essentials, I came upon this pattern by Mickey Beebe called "BB Bags." Mickey has well-written instructions for three size bags - big, travel, and teeny.

I first made the travel size (6" X 5-3/4"), going for a fun look with these bright colors.


Several interior storage compartments.

Another pocket on the back.

After making it, I decided I'd prefer the big size (7" X 8-1/4").

Having made the bag once made the second time easier, so I pushed myself to try it with selvages. Boy, do I love this! Sewing with selvages is fun. And this bag is perfect for traveling.

Front with a zipper pocket near the top.

Inside with another zipper pocket.

Interior pockets.

Back with a pocket.

I think I could become addicted to selvage-sewing. I've got heaps of selvages since I've been collecting them for about ten months. I cut off a one-inch strip from each printed or color-windowed selvage.
I'm wearing this travel bag from Des Moines to Denver to San Francisco to Sydney. Might it be a conversation-starter? I'll let you know.


  1. Linda, I love your Selvage bag. Hope you arrived safely in Oz.

  2. Such dedication to Friday Flaunting!!! I think this is the first one I'm aware of that was made while the flaunter was in mid-air over the Pacific Ocean! Love the selvedge bag, by the way :-)) Looking forward to seeing it in real life soon.

  3. They are both so lovely, cheerful and different to anything you can buy.

    How long did it take to make one?

  4. I love the bag made out of the selvages. Last weekend, at a quilt show, I bought a very cute book mark made out of selvages. Fabric on one side and stripped selvages on the other. So if you have any little pieces left here is a use for them!

  5. Came over from The Selvage Blog and was hoping to see the inside of the bag ~ just wonderful. Thanks!

  6. Love your bag, hope you have a wonderfully fabulous time back in OZ.

  7. Have a great trip. I lived in Sydney for three years in the early 90's and learned to quilt there. I love the selvage bag - have fun!

  8. I love your salvage bag. Looks perfect for your trip.

  9. Love both bags, but that selvage one is tops! Good to know you have arrived safely. :)

  10. Somehow I missed your bag blog Linda. Just looking through your blog and I found them. I love the bags, They are so neat and looks like perfect stitching.
    Sue in NZ


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