
Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Special Day

This morning was the awards ceremony for the 2010 American Red Cross "Heroes of the Heartland." Nineteen people received awards before a breakfast crowd of at least 500 people. They were recognized for contributions in emergency situations, health care, international outreach, community outreach, and the like.

I was nominated as a 2010 "hero" because of the Stitchin' Mission quiltmaking ministry. Neither I nor 31 other nominees received an award, but it was a lovely ceremony. I was especially pleased to invite Michelle (on the left in the photo) to join me. She has been a loyal Stitchin' Mission supporter, devotedly helping at nearly every one of the 21 Stitchin' Missions there have been since 2003.

I am deeply grateful for her continued support, as well as the support of numerous others. Without them, Stitchin' Mission would not be possible. Thank you everyone!


  1. Congratulations Linda, I think a nomination is just as good as an award. Keep up the good work!

  2. Congratulations again, Linda. You'll always be a hero to all of us here at St Mark's!

  3. That is so wonderful Linda! Congratulations to you and all of your Stitchin' Mission group!

  4. Congratulations on your nomination. That is quite an honor in itself. You do wonderful work. I'm glad you were reconized.

  5. Congratulations! What a very well deserved honor.


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