
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Batting Buds Retreat

I'm blessed to be a member of the Batting Buds small quilt group. The six of us are best buddies, and share much of our lives with one another, beyond our mutual interest in quilting. We call ourselves the Batting Buds because just like when making a quilt, it's the part on the inside that's the most important... batting is what makes a quilt what it is, and what's inside each of us makes us special friends with one another.

This weekend we retreated, and we're all grateful that Mary opened her home for our long weekend stay -
from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon!
When Mary asked for input on the t-shirt quilt she's making for her daughter who will graduate from high school in May, we were all happy to respond.
Quite a bit of time was spent on the floor, analyzing and testing various aspects of this quilt's layout and assembly process. Such a bright and fun t-shirt quilt!
Lola (Her real name is Linda, but with two of us named Linda, it's less confusing to call her Lola.) worked exclusively on a 144-block quilt called "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler."
Lola's making it with her mom, and between them they've made about 100 of these six-inch blocks made from Aunt Grace type 1930s reproduction prints.
Kim mostly embroidered on "Snowmen A to Zzz" blocks, a pattern from Crabapple Hill Designs.
Susan decided to begin something new, reading up on and then starting to English paper piece tumbling blocks. Susan's already hedging on how far she'll get, referring to this project as a "coaster."
Michelle worked on hand-appliqueing a Joseph's Coat block that she, Kim and I are slowly making along with Kellie of Don't Look Now.
After two and a half days and two nights of sewing into the wee hours, lots of laughter, a good movie (Australia), some wonderful eating, drinks, and chocolate... we don't look much the worse for wear, do we?
I'm very grateful for my Buds! They are the stuff of a beautiful life.


  1. What a fantastic weekend it looks like you had! It looks more fun than a retreat. I'm glad the last pic showed the 2 Josephs Coat blocks. I love the way they look. Everyone was working on beautiful projects.

  2. What a great week end. Isn't life wonderful.

  3. Glad to hear that you had such a wonderful creative weekend.

  4. Wow, your "buds" are quite talented. Fun stuff you all worked on.


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