
Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Flaunt

Machine quilting has been at the forefront of quilt-y activities this week. This is baby Eric's quilt. He's grandson #2 due May 1 in Florida, whom I have dubbed "Eric." His real name remains his parent's secret.

This quilt, which will be revealed in its entirety when it's finished, has elements of a disappearing nine patch. Since the prints are cowboy themed, I thought a lasso or curly barbed wire looking quilting design seemed appropriate. I intended to finish quilting this week, but ran out of thread. Don't you hate it when that happens?
This is the quilt back, and yes, that sure is a print that looks like cow hide. It's especially ironic because Lyn, the mother-to-be, picked this fabric... and she's a vegetarian!
With my Bernina now fixed, it's running like a champ. It even handled the two different colors of thread I used for quilting - pale blue 50-weight Aurifil on top, and brown 50-weight Aurifil in the bobbin. To get perfect tension, I simply threaded the brown bobbin thread through the finger in the bobbin case. No other adjustment was needed.

I do love my Bernina, and its beautiful stitch. I just wish the company manufactured an affordable machine with a wider distance between the needle and the machine body. Since I do all my own quilting, I'd make good use of that bit of extra space.

And now for a "Hoorah!" My "Season of Grace" stocking blocks are finished! This is the February stocking, and it's the last of the twelve month BOM. Photos of all my stockings are on Flickr and entered in the drawing for a prize from "Season of Grace" designers, author Emilie Richards, and quilter Pat Sloan.
My last flaunt is our 4-1/2 month-old grandson Tay, who lives in Australia. He loves being in his jumper, bouncing around with several noisy toys dangling within handy reach. Is that a cheeky expression, or what?
On Skype, with a webcam, I can get him to watch me and respond with smiles. Though how wrong does it seem to put a 4-1/2 month-old in front of a computer to teach him to interact with the screen?! Still, he "talked" back to me when I read him "Sleeping Beauty." And he's quite talented at blowing wet, bubbly raspberries. He's all gooey-cuddly baby. And he's in Oz and I'm in Iowa. Being a Nana is nice, but closer would be better.


  1. Tay is just gorgeous - he looks so happy. Love your new cow boy baby quilt too, you are right, the backing does look like cow hide.

  2. It is so hard with family overseas. My husband and I have 5 siblings 4 of whom live overseas as do their children. We have visited with all but it is not the same. Skype does make things a bit more bearable. Your grandson is gorgeous by the way. This blogging makes my brain hurt. My site is so basic and I see all the beautiful set ups everyone has - but with time I will learn.
    A question - with the QAYG tutorial, are the seams very bulky? Our ladies have a method where they butt the blocks together but they have to sew strips onto both sides of the quilt. I like less work.

  3. Gorgeous photo of Tay! The quilt looks great so far. Lucky "Eric"!

  4. Tay is the most photogenic baby. He always is happy! Skype has changed so much about our interacting with people who don't live close by. I'm trying to get my brother to download it on his computer so I can talk to my nieces. They live in Austin and we only see them a couple of times a year. I figure it's the best way for them to get to know me really well.

  5. I do wish I could get my nice new Janome to cooperate with me when it comes to free motion quilting, or perhaps it's just me. My gosh Tay has grown like a weed. He does look like such a happy and contented little fellow.

  6. He is so cute! At that stage with chubby cheeks and big grins.

  7. Tay is definitely gorgeous and looks a real bubbly kind of kid.
    Those blocks look good and should come up well overall in the disappearing nine patch block

  8. Love to see Tay's happy baby face! The new baby quilt is looking good, your quilting is wonderful.


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