
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Starting Quilt Along

Don't you know how it goes? You see something new, get excited about it, and then feel like you have to jump into the foray and make it too? Well that's what happened when I saw Kellie Wulfsohn's latest project, a Quilt Along. It's a portable, hand-applique project to make Joseph's Coat blocks.
Though many quilters have already begun, since I've been home from Oz (Australia) for only a week, I'm just getting started. And luckily, it hasn't been too difficult to convince a few friends to Quilt Along with me. Doris, a blogger here in Des Moines who I first "met" through her blog, plans to make the Joseph's Coat quilt too!

So off we went, Kim, Michelle and me, to Quilter's Cupboard. It happens to be where Doris works, so it was quite marvelous to see Doris and rush over for hugs, just like we are old friends! She's a dear, and patiently spent nearly two hours helping each of us make our Joseph's Coat fabric selections.

Here we are (L-R): Kim, Michelle, me, and Doris. Doris is holding the Floriani "Stitch 'n Wash" we'll need to make our blocks. We're itching to get started, but the best part - by far and away - will be sharing this with friends. We hope to get-together soon.
Thanks, Kellie, for the inspiration!


  1. funny, you are just getting started on Joseph' coat and I think I was 4th to sign up on the quiltalong...but alas, can't get the stitch n wash here in my little corner of WA...I am thinking of using freezer paper instead...have you already picked out your fabrics? can't wait to see them!

  2. I'm really looking forward to watching you and the girls as you progress. (And you wouldn't have just been to Australia, now would you Linda? ;-P)

  3. Have fun with the quilt along. It looks like a great block. I keep seeing them and want to start but I am resisting.

  4. Your block looks lovely, I'm enjoying mine and my DD is making one too. How neat you have some friends to share it with.


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