
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Melbourne Cup Day

On Tuesday, nearly all of Australia stopped for the Emirates Melbourne Cup horse race that ran in Melbourne. Much like our Kentucky Derby, it's a day of celebration with women sporting finery and hats.

Here in Sydney our temperature rose to a whopping 95 degrees (35 degrees Celsius), with strong winds. It felt like standing in front of a furnace register. Hot!

Jill, Tay and I walked to the Sydney Rowing Club for an afternoon with friends. The Club had air con (Americans, that's air-conditioning), but it couldn't keep up because the place was so full. We bought racing chances from a field of 23 horses (and didn't win, though our friends did), and joined in the cheering for our favorite horse. While Jill and Leanne enjoyed these,
I watched one of my favorite singers on TV. Do you recognize her? Olivia Newton-John is looking absolutely gorgeous at the age of 61. Amazing.
She sang "Magic" and...the Australian National Anthem, and did so beautifully. She hasn't lost her looks or her voice.
Tay was pretty much oblivious to the goin's on, though we attempted to get him to cheer for one of the horses listed on the Cup racing sheet. What a cutie. I swear I can see his growth since I arrived.
He's a pretty happy baby. This is exactly how I'm feeling about being in Oz. Joyful.


  1. Fun day. You can keep the raw oysters. lol

  2. WOW is Tay smiling already? Such a delightful baby! Lovely to hear you enjoyed our Melbourne Cup Day, I could care less about the horse race, but any excuse for a day out with friends and a nice lunch!!!


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