
Sunday, November 15, 2009


Fresh fruit is plentiful in Oz, and I've become completely smitten with mangoes. Even at $3.00 AUD (Australian dollars) to $4.00 AUD each, they're worth their weight in gold. I've never seen ones this large, nor this sweet. I've tried them in a smoothie; with caramel swirl vanilla ice cream; and with chicken in a salad. But the best eating is just as they are.

This is a Kensington Pride mango, grown in Queensland, Australia. I propped this one on the sewing machine bed to give you a size perspective.

Jumbo goodness.My son-in-law taught me the proper way to cut and slice a mango: Cut it in half, avoiding the fuzzy pit. Then cross-cut the half on the inside, and turn the cheek inside out to expose the cubes. Cut them off at the base.

A step he neglected to mention is to stand over the kitchen sink to scrape out each skin half with your teeth! You won't want to leave anything behind. And fully expect that mango juice will be dripping down your chin and through your fingers. Yum.

Now... spoon into this bowl of bliss.


  1. Yum-my! My mouth is watering. Hey, you have the same Bernina I do-neat!!

  2. Ah, but that Bernina 1230 isn't mine. It's my daughter's that she's let me use during my stay at her home in Australia. At home in Iowa, I sew on a Bernina QE153.

  3. My Favourite fruit! They're just wickedly delicious! Great to hoe into in a nice relaxing bath, too. :)


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