
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Travel Tray

Once again I find I'm pleased to have been clued-in about a blog freebie. Thanks to something shared on this blog, I linked to this blog for instructions to make a Travel Tray.

A travel tray is basically a mini quilt that you take along in your suitcase. When you want something for your jewelry, keys, eyeglasses and the like, you fold and snap together the corners to make the quilt into a tray.

This is how I intend to use mine.
Snaps or Velcro at each corner help form the sides. I opted to use snaps, concerned that Velcro might snag other items in my suitcase.
No big surprise, my tray is the one made with palm tree fabric.
All of these have a solid yellow fabric interior. The designer recommends using a light solid so you can see everything - even the smallest earrings - you've dropped in the tray.
Lovin' this freebie. You too?

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