
Thursday, October 8, 2009


Not that I'm a proud Nana, or anything like one, but these are the two sweeties - Celina and Tay - I'll see in person when I get to Australia. Aren't I blessed?
To my delight, Celina is already showing herself adept at quiltmaking. She'll be one of my best helpers at the next Stitchin' Mission in Sydney (Darling Point, to be specific).


  1. Clever girl, Celina! What a delight she is with her bright quilt and I'm so looking forward to meeting her in a couple of weeks.

  2. Delightful quilt! Celina is very talented!

  3. Sweet photos. Celina has such a beautiful smile. I know she will be smiling a lot when she sees her Nana.
    That is so great that she is taking up quilting too.


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