
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quilters Newsletter Bush Fire Quilts Article

It arrived in today's mail! The Oct/Nov issue of Quilters Newsletter magazine is available!
The reason I'm excited is because on pages 50-52 is an article I wrote.
Back in March of this year, the first person I interviewed for the story was Mary-anne Rooney, a quilter and principal at Eaglehawk Primary School in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. I was fortunate to do so in person, at her school where quilts have been collected.
After our interview and photographing Mary-anne with some of the donated quilts, she drove me past burned areas outside of Bendigo. It was difficult for me to take pictures; I felt like an intruder on these individuals' tragedies.
My interview with Jan MacFadyen (AKA Jan Mac) was by email. She provided some wonderful photos - more than the magazine could print.
While the reason for this quiltmaking effort was beyond tragic, I always enjoy writing about anything related to quilting. I especially enjoy getting to know some pretty wonderful quilters. Thank you Mary-anne, Jan, and Christina Kuhne for your willingness to make this story possible.

To find out how you can help with this quiltmaking effort, you can get more information at:


  1. Congratulations.. it is always exciting to see something one has written actually turn up in print.

  2. congratulations on your article - now I'm anxiously awaiting my copy of the QN

  3. Wow, Linda, I didn't know you had traveled there. Congrats on the article. I'll be sure to check it out!

  4. So exciting to see it in the magazine at last, Linda. Thank you for all you've done (and are doing)to help our Victorian bushfire victims.

  5. Congratulations! that is so awesome.


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