
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy 37th Anniversary to Us!

Today is our 37th wedding anniversary.
How young we looked - and were! - in 1972. The wedding was at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mason City, Iowa.

And how 'bout the bridesmaids' attire? Can picture hats get any bigger than that?

Mother helped me keep to a $500 wedding budget that included my gown, flowers, photos, bridemaids' hats and shoes, cake, punch, et al. She sewed my gown; constructed my headpiece from pipe cleaners, lace and tulle; and sewed the bridesmaids' gowns from drapery fabric with a chiffon overlay. I still have receipts totalling $521. Dad was so pleased by my effort to stick to the budget that he covered the extra $21.

Other than my little sis (in the yellow), I don't know where the bridesmaids are now. Nor does DH know where the groomsmen are. Oh, how our lives and looks change!


  1. Happy anniversary, Linda! You all look so 70's "cool". Coincidentally I wore an almost identical head-dress and carried yellow flowers (roses) when we were married in 1972 :-))

  2. Congratulations Linda! (and Husband) Being married this long sends a wonderful statement to young people that marriages can and do last. Hope you celebrate each day! (We celebrated out 39th..I made my dress as well as my attendants...weddings were beautiful even in our day..even on a budget.)

  3. Congratulations Linda, it's our 39th next week. Don't know where it's all gone!

  4. Happy Wedding Anniversary! You look very lovely (and 70s - wasn't it a great era?).


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