
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Making Friends

Today, Mary Jo and I, who are both in QDU (Quilting Down Under) chat group met in real time, something that doesn't frequently happen in blogland.

She's a lovely person, and very easy to talk with. Being quilters and mothers, it was no problem at all finding a couple mutually interesting topics!

After lunch on Main St. in Ames, we walked a few doors down to the Quilting Connection and enjoyed a bit of fabric shopping together. The shop owner took our picture. That's a lovely French Braid quilt behind us.

A few necessary purchases were made.
All for WIPs (Works In Progress), of course.
And, as I was only eight miles from Nevada, Iowa, before heading back home, I stopped by the fun Block Party Studios. This is the place that makes and sells "word" fabric. (See last week's Friday Flaunt.)

A nice outing, a nice day, and a nice friend. Can a day be more satisfying than that?

1 comment:

  1. Hellooooooooo Linda! Great picture, awesome time! I am so glad we connected! I loved hearing about all you have going on in your life! Your enthusiam shines as you talk...hugs!

    Mary Jo


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