
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's Tuesday and I Can't Wait start piecing these fabrics to make Sawtooth Star blocks for the next round of my Snowflake Medallion quilt, a pattern from Ballarat Patchwork, Victoria, Australia.
I'm happy to have finished hand applique in the center medallion, and along the pieced border.

This is the first time I have tackled so much hand applique, and I quite like it!
Not only do I get to listen to audio books while I'm stitching (currently, The Shifting Fog, by Kate Morton), I'm lovin' doing back-basted, needle turn applique. For basting, I'm using quilting thread and a large needle, and for applique I'm using silk thread and a size #11 straw needle.

The next several border rounds should go together more quickly since they're mostly machine piecing.

Join the bloggers who are playing "It's Tuesday and I Can't Wait..." at Buttons by Lou Lou.


  1. Oooh, I like your handwork better than mine. It's looking spectacular so far! Actually I must say my workmanship is definitely improving as I go, so that's a good thing. Isn't this such a pretty quilt!

  2. It's beautiful! Such lovely neat work.

  3. Love, love, love your colors...gorgeous pattern! I am enjoying following your blog!

    Mary Jo


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