
Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Flaunt - Machine Quilting

This week has pretty much been nothing but free-motion machine quilting.

I quilt using my Bernina QE153 domestic sewing machine - with a 7-1/2" throat - so it can sometimes be tedious to work on a large quilt. But with a captivating audiobook loaded on my MP3 player - the latest being The Host by the popular author of the Twilight vampire series, Stephenie Meyer - and a little perseverance, I can get'er done.

I not only finished quilting one quilt (see Tuesday post), but am making great progress on this 60" X 72" quilt that belongs to a friend.

At the moment it's not looking real pretty because so much Golden Threads paper needs to be torn off. Though using Golden Threads paper - pinning perforated paper to the quilt and stitching along the perforations - is my favorite method for getting a precise quilting design onto a quilt, the picking-off-the-paper afterward part is sorta tedious. And following that a good vacuuming is mandatory. Hmm, maybe it's not such a bad thing after all!

Four vertical zig-zag columns will have a feather design.
A finished zig-zag looks like this one. 
Right now, more of the quilt looks like the columns on the left.

I need some paper-picking friends!

(Did I do okay Friday Frenzied Flaunter Enforcer, Cinzia?)


  1. Flaunting at it's very best Linda! Love the quilting it is spectacular!

  2. I think it's looking tops and definitely worth flaunting.
    Have you ever tried Press and Seal by Glad for transferring your design. It looks a bit like glad wrap but it sticks to your fabric and pulls off easily when you have finished with it. Available in supermarkets for similar cost to glad wrap.

  3. Oh, you machine quilters are all so clever... this lovely.


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