
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Big Sister Quilt

Remember, I said piecing should be a snap? It was! What fun to put these funky colors together, all in one day!

To make the quilt 56" X 74", I added a couple more prints from my stash. Thank goodness I could find two more - and only two more! Really though, this is pretty much a no-fail design. Perfect for a mostly mindless day of cutting and sewing.

Blogless Mary shared with me the name for this lime green color: "Kiwi." It's not quite an Aussie name, but New Zealand is close enough. Does anyone know a clever name for turquoise or aqua?  

After sandwiching, the real work begins: quilting. Quilting will probably never be my favorite thing to do, mostly because it's time-consuming even on a domestic sewing machine.

Turquoise thread, I think, and a variety of free-motion designs...a different design for each pair of matching print logs. Your quilting pattern suggestions will be gratefully accepted.

1 comment:

  1. The quilt looks fabulous, Linda. You're really into the blue-and-lime scheme right now, aren't you. It's so fresh and zingy. C should love it!! Cleverly, too, you've chosen fabrics where the central and border motifs appear quite derivative of designs from C's heritage. Nice one! As for quilting designs, "lazy bones" here would go with the all-over stipple. I've seen so many quilts on blogs lately where this has been used and I like the effect.


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