
Monday, June 8, 2009

Back to Quilt-y Stuff

I've been working on my Snowflake Medallion quilt (SnoMed, for short) for several weeks now. This is back-basted hand applique, and I'm enjoying every moment... lots of moments... working on it while listening to audiobooks. I have listened to several books including the "Shop on Blossom Street" (about knitting) series. Now I'm on book three, "Eclipse" of the "Twilight" vampire/werewolf series by Stephanie Meyer. What entertaining listening, even if the series was written for teens. I loved the Harry Potter series too.

Anyway, I'm tickled to have finished the center medallion. I cut that background piece to a 21-1/2" square per the instructions, and added the first triangle border. So far, so good.

Next, in the white triangles created by the addition of the first border, there's more applique.

Here I've pencil-outlined the shapes on the back of the fabric.

You can see this may be a bit of a challenge to applique as one of the motifs covers several seams.

Still, I'm very much liking the design, and I think it will be even prettier when the piecing includes the aqua- and teal-colored prints I've selected.

Oh, and did you notice the perfectly round, one centimeter purple circles in the daisy center? Those are thanks to a gem of a friend, the ingenious and talented Down Under Di. She's also making SnoMed, and took the time to write a lovely blog tutorial for making tiny, perfect circles using sequins (of all things!). Be sure to check it out.

With flourishing palms,


  1. Oh my goodness, Downunder Di here, loving your work, Lynda! (and your delicious photographs) Your medallion is simply spectacular, and I love your dotty daisy petals. I'm nearly finished my central medallion, so will probably begin the next border by the end of the week. Photos will be posted in due course - of course!

  2. Linda, your work is stunning! Like you I am loving every moment of back basting applique work. So much so I find myself thinking about my next session with the needle and thread while still at work!!! Truly lovely blog, I shall keep browsing.

  3. Fantastic work, Linda! The combination of white and purples is really impressive. Keep up the great work!

  4. I can see why i was raving about your medallion and fabrics! Absolutely beautiful!


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